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  • Subject: Boats
Boats tied up at Jack Fish harbor in Lake Superior
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
Picture of a wide lagoon with boats lining the right shore and trees on the left. 
Valentine & Sons
approximately 1910
Dock scene, Lake Cecebe near Burks Falls, Ontario
Ontario Department Travel & Publicity
Shows three rowboats in a creek, each rowed by a man and each with one or two women in white dr…
Kemp, Marsden A., -1943
Between 1898 and 1930
Floating dock at Moose Factory
Hubbert, Mildred Young
Walter Dean Canoes & Boats 1751 Queen Street West Toronto, Canada
Walter Dean Canoes and Boats
Approximately 1900
Motor boat party
Ontario. Department of Education
Fishing Wharf
Ontario. Department of Education
Sea Flea, Honey Harbour
Ontario. Department of Education
Black and white photo postcard depicting the harbour at the Toronto Canoe Club with boats and c…
Richmonde Sales Co., Ltd., Toronto
Approximately 1912
Green-toned postcard depicting a view of Toronto from Lake Ontario with boats in the foreground…
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1920
Typewritten letter from Arthur H. Bryant
J.H. Ross Boat & Canoe Co.
25 July 1929