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  • Subject: Castles
Colorized photograph of a castle with a stone wall in front of it.
Approximately 1950
Colorized photograph drawing of a castle surrounded by a stone wall and gardens.
Approximately 1929
Sepia toned picture of a castle with a stone wall in front of it.
International Stationery Co., Picton Canada
Approximately 1912
Colorized photograph of a castle with a stone wall in front of it.
Valentine-Black Co.
Approximately 1925
Stylized drawing of a castle with tress and houses in front of it.
Turner, Stanley F., 1883-1953
Approximately 1927
Three black and white pictures of a castle, one exterior and two interiors.
Approximately 1937
Colorized photograph of a castle surrounded by manicured grounds
Royal Specialty Sales
Approximately 1950