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  • Subject: Exhibition buildings
Pictures show a pyramid of flower with four levels and a pillar in the center.
Webster & Albee
Approximately 1880
Pictures show a huge four story steel and glass building with a central tower.
James Esson (Firm)
Pictures show a huge glass and iron building with a central tower.
Webster & Albee
Approximately 1890
Colorized photograph of a large beaux-arts style building with domes roof on the opposite side …
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1930
Sepia toned photograph of a two story building in the Beaux Arts style. Cupola in the centre be…
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1923
Sepia toned photograph of a two story building in the Beaux Arts style. Tall arches over the en…
Intaglio Gravure Ltd.
Approximately 1930
Market scene in winter, Kingston, Canada
Mahood Bros (Kingston, Ont.)
Site Fort Rouille 1749 Exhibition Park Toronto
Turner, Stanley F., 1883-1953
Approximately 1927