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  • Subject: Factory buildings
Lever Brothers, March 1920
Lever Brothers and Unilever, Ltd
Lever Brothers, March 1920
Lever Brothers and Unilever, Ltd
Colorized photograph of an eight story industrial building.
Novelty Mfg. & Art Company‏
Approximately 1915
Black and white photo postcard depicting the exterior front of a building, with a sign on top o…
Approximately 1957
Sepia-toned photo postcard depicting a large warehouse building with many windows. Caption stat…
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1930
Black and white photo postcard depicting a large warehouse building with a car parked across th…
Canada Gift and Novelty Co.
Approximately 1940
Colour postcard depicting an illustration of a large warehouse building surrounded by adjacent …
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company
Approximately 1920
Sepia-toned photo postcard depicting a large warehouse building with many windows. Caption stat…
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1925
Colour postcard depicting an illustration of a warehouse building with the caption "Ritchie and…
Plibrico (Canada) Ltd., (Toronto, Ont.)
Approximately 1925
Black/white photo postcard depicting a warehouse building with the sign "Plibrico Jointless Fir…
Western Photogravure Co.
Approximately 1930