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  • Subject: Yacht clubs
RCYC is shown as it appeared back in 1912
Toronto Star (Firm)
Bowling Ally
Toronto Star (Firm)
Endangered species
Spremo, Boris
22 May 1977
Laws and regulations of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club
John Donogh, at the Anglo Canadian office
Sepia toned photograph of a walk way through gardens. Large building with veranda to the right.
International Stationery Co., Picton Canada
Approximately 1912
Colorize photograph of the front a a large building with a veranda. Manicures lawn; lake with b…
Ballantine Bros.
after 1906 before 1918
Colorized photograph of a three story building with a large veranda in front. Many people outsi…
Canadian View Card Co.
Approximately 1908
Black and white photograph of a people walking across a bridge towards a large building.
Photogelatine Engraving Company‏
Approximately 1930
Sepia toned photograph of the front of a large building with a verandah.
International Stationery Co., Picton Canada
Approximately 1914