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Ebenezer United Church, Campbellville, Ont

Original Toronto Star caption: Hold special service on church's centenary. To commemorate 100 years of continuous religious services the congregation of Ebenzer United church, near Milton, are holding special services on the ground where the first worshippers met in a rough cedar church hewn from the wilderness. Photographs show: (1) Rev. M. C. Gandier, pastor of the church; (2) John Marshall, lifelong member; (3) the present church; (4) Hiram Wallace, born in 1830, who remembers early services in the church; (5) Mrs. John Marshall, who is writing a church history. Published in Toronto Star, 16 May 1932, p. 24.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberTSPA_0106346F