The flower-basket, or, Poetical blossoms : original nursery rhymes and tales
A.K. Newman & Co.
Moodie, Susanna, 1803-1885
NotesThe flower-basket, or, Poetical blossoms : original nursery rhymes and tales. ''Dean and Munday, printers, Threadneedle Street''--colophon. ''Embellished with fifteen coloured engravings.''--t.p. BLC identifies C.P. Traill as the author and Susanna Moodie as a joint author. Binding error: p. 31-32 bound after p. 34. Bound in pink stiff-paper covers with a vignette on the front cover and publisher's advertisements on the back. Cover title: The flower basket. Undated. Date suggested by BLC. Inscription on the t.-p. is dated Sept. 28th, 1830.
Dimensions34 p.
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131039919568D