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Statue unveiled Saturday, Appropriate ceremonies and entertainment marked the unveilling on Saturday afternoon of a fountain and statue of Peter Pan at St. Clair Ave. and Avenue Rd. [Incomplete]
Statue unveiled Saturday, Appropriate ceremonies and entertainment marked the unveilling on Saturday afternoon of a fountain and statue of Peter Pan at St. Clair Ave. and Avenue Rd. [Incomplete]

Statue unveiled Saturday, Appropriate ceremonies and entertainment marked the unveilling on Saturday afternoon of a fountain and statue of Peter Pan at St. Clair Ave. and Avenue Rd. [Incomplete]

Original Toronto Star caption: Statue unveiled Saturday; Appropriate ceremonies and entertainment marked the unveilling on Saturday afternoon of a fountain and statue of Peter Pan at St. Clair Ave. and Avenue Rd. [Incomplete]
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberTSPA_0114389F
England - London - Statues and Monuments
Toronto Star (Firm)