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Stories for the young
Stories for the young
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Stories for the young

Alternate Title
  • Andersen's stories for the young, or Andersen's tales
Stories for the young. Commercial advertisements for Goodall's Household Specialties, Bragg's Vegetable Charcoal and Page Woodcock's Wind Pills on inner upper wrapper. Ad. for Whelpton's Vegetable Purifying Pills on outer lower wrapper. Half title and cover title: Andersen's stories for the young. Printer's code at foot of page [440]: 2 1/2--14-409-8-82 indicates publication date of 1882. Publisher's adveritisements on pages [2]-[20] at end of text. Running title: Andersen's tales.
Dimensionsviii; 439; [20] pages
  • viii; 439; [20] pages
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number37131137014031D
Dewey Number3143882