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At a respectable meeting of the inhabitants of the District of Niagara assembled at the Niagara Hotel on the 5th September, for the purpose of taking (...)
At a respectable meeting of the inhabitants of the District of Niagara assembled at the Niagara Hotel on the 5th September, for the purpose of taking (...)

At a respectable meeting of the inhabitants of the District of Niagara assembled at the Niagara Hotel on the 5th September, for the purpose of taking (...)

At a respectable meeting of the inhabitants of the District of Niagara assembled at the Niagara Hotel on the 5th September, for the purpose of taking into consideration and adopting measures to obtain an immediate survey of the River St. Lawrence
Province or state:Ontario
Dimensions21.5 x 17 cm.
  • 21.5 x 17 cm.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Call Number / Accession Number1825-ST-LAWRENCE-SB