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Plan of the Crookshank estate, north of Queen Street in the city of Toronto
Plan of the Crookshank estate, north of Queen Street in the city of Toronto

Plan of the Crookshank estate, north of Queen Street in the city of Toronto

Includes terms of sale of remaining lots. Wakefield, Coate & Co. Auctioneers. 
GeographyCity, town, townshipToronto
GeographyNeighbourhoodPalmerston-Sussex Ulster
GeographyNorth-south streetLippincott Street
GeographyEast-west streetBloor Street West
GeographyProvince stateOntario
Dimensions91.5 cm x 56.5 cm (36 in. x 22 1/4 in.)
Scale1 inch = 3 chains
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberT-1855-LARGE