Wild sports of the world
Dickes, William, 1815-1892
Greenwood, James
Harvey, William, 1796-1866
Melville, Harden Sidney, active 1837-1882
S.O. Beeton
Weir, Harrison, 1824-1906
Woods, Henry N., active 1855-1869
Zwecker, Johann Baptist, 1814-1876
NotesWild sports of the world. A ''Notice to subscribers'', inside the front paper cover of Number 8, dated December, 1861, reads: ''the circulation...increased month by month until...the publication has reached a position which...will enable the publisher to sustain...the lavish expenditure which the completed volume displays''. A t.-p. dated 1862, preface, and list of illustration are inserted at the end of Number 8. The t.-p. reads: Wild sports of the world : a boy's book of natural history and adventure. By James Greenwood. With woodcuts from designs by Harden Melville and William Harvey, coloured illustrations from water-colour drawings by J.B. Zwecker, Harrison Weir and Harden Melville, portraits of celebrated hunters from original photographs, and maps showing the habitats of animals and plants all over the world. An advertisement on the back paper cover of Number, 8, advises the subscriber that the publisher will bind the eight parts in magenta cloth if they are forwarded by paid book-post, the rates for which are given. Plates printed in colour by W. Dickes. Published in eight monthly parts, beginning in May, 1861. Woodcuts engraved by H. Newsom Woods.
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