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In the president's seat: As chief of Canada's eighth-largest publicly owned energy company, Ed Battle has a lot on his mind these days. He's a Canadian citizen and he's listened to by the Ottawa mandarins who put together this country's controversial national energy policy. Norcen has 27,000 shareholders and $1.2 billion in assets.
In the president's seat: As chief of Canada's eighth-largest publicly owned energy company, Ed Battle has a lot on his mind these days. He's a Canadian citizen and he's listened to by the Ottawa mandarins who put together this country's controversial national energy policy. Norcen has 27,000 shareholders and $1.2 billion in assets.

In the president's seat: As chief of Canada's eighth-largest publicly owned energy company, Ed Battle has a lot on his mind these days. He's a Canadian citizen and he's listened to by the Ottawa mandarins who put together this country's controversial national energy policy. Norcen has 27,000 shareholders and $1.2 billion in assets.

ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0125280F