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Are they Jogging or Trottering? Lest anyone think they are merely getting in a little healthy jogging, 16-year-old Harold Merten (left) and 18-year-old Chris Kuczynski wear placards to hammer home the message that they are really Trotting for Trotter, Parkdale riding's Liberal candidate, who waves encouragement to them as they pass his campaign headquarters
Are they Jogging or Trottering? Lest anyone think they are merely getting in a little healthy jogging, 16-year-old Harold Merten (left) and 18-year-old Chris Kuczynski wear placards to hammer home the message that they are really Trotting for Trotter, Parkdale riding's Liberal candidate, who waves encouragement to them as they pass his campaign headquarters

Are they Jogging or Trottering? Lest anyone think they are merely getting in a little healthy jogging, 16-year-old Harold Merten (left) and 18-year-old Chris Kuczynski wear placards to hammer home the message that they are really Trotting for Trotter, Parkdale riding's Liberal candidate, who waves encouragement to them as they pass his campaign headquarters

ProvenanceCourtesy: Toronto Star Photograph Archives
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Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0135008F