Curious thoughts on the history of man : chiefly abridged or selected from the celebrated works of Lord Kaimes, Lord Monboddo, Dr. Dunbar, and the immortal Montesquieu : replete with useful and entertaining instruction on a variety of important and popular subjects : viz. Population, Language, Manners, Property, Love, Matrimony, Polygamy, Marriage-ceremonies, Commerce, Government, Patriotism, Agriculture, Peace and war, Taxes, Music, Gaming, Luxury, &c. : designed to promote a spirit of enquiry in the British youth of both sexes: and to make the philosophy, as well as history of the human species, familiar to ordinary capacities
Adams, John, 1750?-1814
Dunbar, James, -1798
G. Kearsley
Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782
Kearsley, George, -1790
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord, 1714-1799
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755
Dimensions21 x 10 cm, 54Pages (8 1/4 x 3 15/16 in.)
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131009546409D
Darton, William, 1781-1854