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Maple leaves
Maple leaves
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Maple leaves

Maple leaves. Title varies: [ser. 4] has title: Maple leaves, new series; [ser. 6] has title: Maple leaves, 1894. Imprint varies: [4th ser.], Quebec : Printed by A. C?t?; [5th-6th ser.], Quebec : Printed by L.J. Demers; 7th ser., Quebec : F. Carrel. Series [5] often listed separately under own title. Some vols. are illustrated with mounted photographs. Series [4th] also called ''New series''. TPL,6165.
GeographyCity, town, townshipQuébec
GeographyNeighbourhoodSillery (Québec, Québec)
GeographyHistorical locationSillery (Québec)
GeographyProvince stateQuébec
Dimensions||Printed for the author by Hunter, Rose,1863-1906.||ill., ports. ;21-23 cm.||
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055406128D