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Report from the Select committee on the civil government of Canada, [with Minutes of evidence and appendix], ordered by the House of commons to be printed, 22 July, 1827 [i
Report from the Select committee on the civil government of Canada, [with Minutes of evidence and appendix], ordered by the House of commons to be printed, 22 July, 1827 [i
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Report from the Select committee on the civil government of Canada, [with Minutes of evidence and appendix], ordered by the House of commons to be printed, 22 July, 1827 [i

Report from the Select committee on the civil government of Canada, [with Minutes of evidence and appendix], ordered by the House of commons to be printed, 22 July, 1827 [i.e. 1828]
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131055420509D
Lower Canada, copy of the minutes of the evidence taken before the Select committee appointed in the year 1834 on the affairs of Lower Canada
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee Appointed in the Year 1834 on the Affairs of Lower Canada
Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada
Report...complaining of various grievances, and other references. (Ordered by the House of Assembly to be printed, 19th March 1830.
Québec (Province). Legislature. Legislative Assembly. Special Committee on the Petition of Certain Inhabitants of the District of Gaspé.
Rapport du Comité de la Chambre des communes sur le gouvernement civil du Canada, : <mis devant la Chambre, le 22 juillet, 1828>
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada