First report of the Special committee of the House of assembly on the engrossed bill from the Legislative council to repeal certain parts of the Judicature act and to make further provision for the more certain and uniform administration of justice within this province. Ordered to be printed, 23d January, 1824
NotesEnglish and French on opposite pages.
Bound (2) with Quebec, Province. House of assembly. Committee on that part of the speech of His Excellency the Governor in chief which relates to the settlement of the crown lands. Lettres de curés des paroisses respectives du Bas-Canada.
Bound (2) with Quebec, Province. House of assembly. Committee on that part of the speech of His Excellency the Governor in chief which relates to the settlement of the crown lands. Lettres de curés des paroisses respectives du Bas-Canada.
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131055357347D
Catalogue Record for Print Book
Gardner, Charles K. (Charles Kitchell), 1787-1869