Statuten und Regeln der Prestoner Bau-Gesellschaft
Alternate Title
- An act to encourage the establishment of certain societies commonly called building societies, in that part of the province of Canada formerly constituting Upper Canada.
- An act to encourage the establishment of certain societies commonly called building societies, in that part of the province of Canada formerly constituting Upper Canada
Statuten und Regeln der Prestoner Bau-Gesellschaft : gegréndet und incorporirt gemaess den Bestimmungen einer Acte der Gesetzgebung von Canada, passirt am 18. Mai 1846, 90 Victoria, Cap. XC, betitelt: Eine Acte um zur Gréndung gewisser Gesellschaften, gewéhnlich Baugesellschaften genanut, in dem Theil der Provinz Canada, der fréher Ubercanada bildete, zu ermuthigen. Gegréndet am 21. Februar 1857. Includes text of act, p. [15]-22. In original green paper covers.
Province or state:Ontario
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Call Number / Accession Number37131052115276D
Dewey Number1137698