Arctic expeditions. : Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 15 March 1849, - for, extracts ''of any proceedings or correspo(...)
Great Britain. Admiralty
Hay, J. H. (Chief Clerk)
Herald (Ship)
House of Commons
Kellett, Henry, Sir, 1806-1875
Kellett, Henry, Sir, 1806-1875
Moore, Thomas E. L.
North Star (Ship)
Plover (Ship)
Richardson, John, Sir, 1787-1865
Richardson, John, Sir, 1787-1865
Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862
Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862
Ward, H. G. (Henry George), 1797-1860
Franklin, John, 1786-1847
NotesArctic expeditions. : Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 15 March 1849; - for, extracts ''of any proceedings or correspondence of the Admiralty, in reference to the Arctic expeditions.- (In continuation of Parliamentary papers, nos. 264 and 386, of session 1848, up to the present time.)''. Bound together (no. 7) with a number of documents, all relating to Arctic expeditions and the search for Sir John Franklin, published btw. 1848 and 1852; all bound together with the binder's title: ''Arctic papers etc. concerning the search for Sir J. Franklin, 1848-52''. ''(Sir Thomas Acland)'' [Parliamentary paper, 1849, no.] 188. Title from caption. List: I. Expedition to Lancaster Sound and Barrow's Straits. Progress of the expedition under the command of Captain Sir James Clarke Ross -- II. Expedition to the mouth of the Mackenzie River. Progress of the Arctic searching expedition under the command of Sir John Richardson -- III. Expedition to Behring's Straits. Progress of the expedition under the command of Captain Kellett, of Her Majesty's ship ''Herald, '' and Commander Moore, of Her Majesty's ship ''Plover'' -- IV. Purport of instructions intended to be sent to Sir James Ross by the ''North Star, '' forwarded by the Whale Ships -- V. Further instructions to Captain Keller, of Her Majesty's ship ''Herald'' -- VI. Letter from the Surveyor of the Navy, recommending the ''North Star'' as the most suitable vessel for carrying provisions. TPL:2992.
Dimensions||33 cm.||
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Call Number / Accession Number37131055459572D
Acland, Thomas Dyke, Sir, 1809-1898
Belcher, Edward, Sir, 1799-1877
Acland, Thomas Dyke, Sir, 1809-1898
Austin, Horatio T. (Horatio Thomas), Sir, 1801-1865