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Ladies' social hour, Bell barn raising

Lot 24, Con. 4 East. Victoria Park Avenue. Ladies' social hour at Bell barn raising. A barn raising or raising bee was a large social event at which anywhere from 50 to 100 men (depending on the size of the barn) and their families came to help build the barn, and then feast in celebration. The women of the hosting family would often spend several days preparing food and refreshments.
GeographyCity, town, townshipToronto
GeographyNeighbourhoodPleasant View
GeographyNorth-south streetVictoria Park Avenue
GeographyHistorical locationScarborough (Ont.)
GeographyProvince stateOntario
Dimensions83 x 120 mm
ProvenanceToronto Public Library. North York Central Library. Canadiana Department. Gift of North York Historical Society.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberNYHS00754