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Comic nursery tales
Comic nursery tales
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Comic nursery tales

Comic nursery tales : Blue Beard. Beauty and the beast. Robinson Crusoe. ''Illustrated by Cham, Alfred Crowquill, Leech'' -- front cover. ''With illustrations, humorous and numerous'' -- t.p. Beauty and the beast is illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. Cham is the pseudonym of Comte Amed?e-Charles-Henri de No?. Contains Blue Beard / F.W.N. Bayley -- Beauty and the beast / Alfred Smith -- Robinson Crusoe.
Dimensions38, 51, 39 p.
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131013236161D
Robinson Crusoe
Crowquill, Alfred
approximately 1840
The Golliwogg's desert-island
Longmans, Green, and Co.