The children's menu
André, R. (Richard), 1834-1907
Crusoe, Robinson (Fictitious character)
Dean & Son
NotesThe children's menu. Contains four sections, each divided by 2 blank pages. Sections one and two have their own tables of contents, with a synopsis of each story. Undated. Date from BLC. Contains Dame Crump -- Tom Thumb -- The house that Jack built -- Red-Riding-Hood -- Sleeping Beauty -- Dick Whittington -- Babes in the wood -- Puss in Boots -- Goody-Two-Shoes -- Mother Goose -- Robinson Crusoe -- Beauty and the beast -- Cinderella -- The three bears -- Mother Hubbard and her dog -- The three tiny pigs.
Dimensions80 p.
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131039910609D