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The book of wonder
The book of wonder
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The book of wonder

Contents: The bride of the man-horse -- The distressing tale of Thangobrind the jeweller, and of the doom that befell him -- The house of the sphinx -- The probable adventure of the three literary men -- The injudicious prayers of Pombo the idolater -- The loot of Bombasharna -- Miss Cubbidge and the dragon of romance -- The quest of the queen's tears -- The hoard of the Gibbelins -- How Nuth would have practised his art upon the gnoles -- How one came, as was foretold, to the city of Never -- The coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap -- Chu-bu and Sheemish -- The wonderful window -- Epilogue. 
DimensionsCover size: 20 cm x 14.5 cm (7 7/8 in. x 5 11/16 in.)
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131054411707D
Book cover: Brown with title and author in gold. Gold square with winged dog.
Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957
Tales of wonder
Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957
Book cover: Blue cloth with title in black. In the centre is a small black pictogram of a man b ...
Mercer, Henry C., 1856-1930
Book cover; red cloth with gold text.
Fraser, W. A. (William Alexander), 1859-1933
Book cover; dark green cloth with title and author in gold. Cover outlined with thin gold frame ...
Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Book cover: embossed, green cloth.
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849
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Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951
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Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951
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Knowles, Vernon, 1899-
Green cloth cover depicting the silhouette of a man walking down a hill playing a pipe. 
Macleod, Fiona, 1855-1905