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Talking a good game. When you're curling, body English helps, and so does talking the shot along. That's Canada's third, John Ferguson at left, Norweg(...)
Talking a good game. When you're curling, body English helps, and so does talking the shot along. That's Canada's third, John Ferguson at left, Norweg(...)

Talking a good game. When you're curling, body English helps, and so does talking the shot along. That's Canada's third, John Ferguson at left, Norweg(...)

Original Toronto Star caption: Talking a good game. When you're curling, body English helps, and so does talking the shot along. That's Canada's third, John Ferguson at left, Norwegian skip Tormod Andreassen at right. Canada crushed Norway, 10-2, but just edged Switzerland, 7-6.
ProvenanceFrom the Toronto Star Archives
Usage Rights Copyright (Learn More)
Copyright HolderToronto Star (Firm)
Object NumberTSPA_0092608F