The Lake of the Woods : a tale illustrative of the twelfth chapter of Romans
A. L. O. E., 1821-1893
Borders, Fred
Groves, S. J.
Robert Carter & Brothers
NotesThe Lake of the Woods : a tale illustrative of the twelfth chapter of Romans. The illustrations are engraved by F. Borders after S. Groves. The adventures of an orphaned brother and sister in Rupert's Land.
Terminology Note
Toronto Public Library recognizes that the term "Indians," used in subject headings such as "Indians of North America", is offensive to many people. Although we currently maintain these headings to adhere to descriptive standards used by libraries worldwide, we and other Canadian libraries are working to replace them with ones that are acceptable to Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
Dimensions||ill ;16 cm.||
ProvenanceAnn Alycin and Elliott Hayes; Bequest in memory of John Sullivan Hayes & Jo Ann Elliott Hayes.
CollectionBaldwin Collection of Canadiana
Usage Rights
Public Domain
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Object Number37131054905021D
Crosby and Ainsworth