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Book cover; red with gold illustration of three children surrounding a man sitting on a chair
Wit bought, or, The life and adventures of Robert Merry
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Book cover; red with gold illustration of three children surrounding a man sitting on a chair

Wit bought, or, The life and adventures of Robert Merry

DateApproximately 1845
Frontispiece and added title-page are signed: Griffiths' patent on steel. Published in New York in 1844. Darton & Clark were in business between 1837 and 1845, see P.A.H. Brown London publishers and printers page 53. The protest letter by S.E. [sic] Goodrich is included. The third volume in the series of Peter Parley books, revised by Samuel Clark and illustrated by Samuel Williams.
Terminology Note
Toronto Public Library recognizes that the term "Indians," used in subject headings such as "Indians of North America", is offensive to many people. Although we currently maintain these headings to adhere to descriptive standards used by libraries worldwide, we and other Canadian libraries are working to replace them with ones that are acceptable to Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
DimensionsCover size: 16 cm x 9 cm (6 5/16 in. x 3 9/16 in.)
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object Number37131048638274D