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Topographical plan of the city of Toronto, in the province of Canada, from actual survey, by J Stoughton Dennis, Provin'l. land surveyor.
Topographical plan of the city of Toronto, in the province of Canada, from actual survey, by J Stoughton Dennis, Provin'l. land surveyor.

Topographical plan of the city of Toronto, in the province of Canada, from actual survey, by J Stoughton Dennis, Provin'l. land surveyor.

Inset: The harbour of Toronto. Includes engravings of principal buildings in margins: (list of bldgs. on back of page). Includes index to public buildings &c and index to places of worship &c.This plan is most respectfully dedicated to the worshipful the mayor, aldermen, and commonality of the city of Toronto, by the author.
GeographyBuilding Monument ParkToronto Harbour
GeographyGeographical FeatureLake Ontario
GeographyCity, town, townshipToronto
GeographyProvince stateOntario
Dimensions72 cm x 96.5 cm (28 3/8 in. x 38 in.)
Scale1 inch = 12 chains
Usage Rights Public Domain (Learn More)
Object NumberT-1851-LARGE